
Spectrum: Looking Forward

Facilitators: Dave Kershaw, Reg Hammond.
Tags: Governance, Internet & the Law.
Collaborative Notes: Spectrum: Looking Forward

At Net Hui 2012 radio spectrum allocation was discussed in the context of the roll out of the RBI and the rural digital divide. Since then the Government has announced the criteria for the 700 MHz digital dividend auction (this is the spectrum freed up through the switch to digital TV). MBIE has also issued a five year spectrum outlook document for comment.

It is expected that the 700MHz spectrum band will be acquired by the 3 cellular providers and they will be required to extend their broadband service coverage to more rural areas. Will this be sufficient to meet rural demands and can more requirements be applied through the spectrum auction process?  At the same time MBIE is considering whether the management rights framework that is used to allocate spectrum is the best framework for New Zealand as we see new technologies developing and changing requirements from users? Does the framework make it too easy for mobile cellular providers to capture all the best spectrum – preventing new competitors and innovative solutions from disrupting their lucrative businesses? The session will be split into 2 parts to cover both 700MHz and some of the longer term issues that a future spectrum strategy will have to grapple with.